Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lord, Save Me

Life continues to unfold in directions I never imagined happening. I find myself being called to new aspects of ministry, to new or different relationships with people, and to engage in life in a deeper way.

A couple of weeks ago, I found myself asking, "How do I do all of this? How do I do what God is asking? How do Chris and I make everything work?" I felt unsure and afraid. Its not like I was called to mission work in a far off land or to anything extreme. Rather, opportunities were presenting themselves that pushed me out of my comfort zone a bit and at the same time were causing Chris and I to, once again, look at our priorities and determine if anything needed realigning.

As we moved through the period of discernment, I kept thinking about the scripture where Jesus and Peter walk on water (Matthew 14:22-33). The disciples' boat is rocking in the storm, when suddenly they look up and see a man, Jesus, walking towards them on water. Peter (oh, how I love cocky little Peter!!!)...asks, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come on the water." Jesus tells Peter, "Come." Peter began walking on water until,suddenly, he got afraid, and says, "Lord, save me". Immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him.

I think I saw myself a bit in ole Peter. On one hand, I trust God whole-heartily. On the other hand, sometimes when I begin to fill a bit unsure of unfamiliar territory, I become afraid. Peter, while a bit zealous at times, did have the common sense to cry out, "Lord, save me." As I discerned stressed about stepping into unfamiliar territory, that phrase did not come to my lips quite as quick as Peter's. I flailed around a bit. When it finally did come when I decided praying about it might be a good idea, I realized that just like Peter, Jesus came to help me. While I did not feel the physical outstretched hand of Jesus, I felt peace provided by Jesus' great advocate, the Holy Spirit, about the new directions after taking it to prayer over and over again.

Do we have the common sense of Peter to cry out, "Lord, save me"?

~Becky Eldredge, Everything is Holy Now

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